Name absDiff()
Examples absDiff

OpenCV opencv;

void setup() {

    size( 320, 240 );

    // open video stream
    opencv = new OpenCV( this );
    opencv.capture( 160, 120 );

void draw() {;                               // grab frame from camera
    image( opencv.image(), 0, 0);                // show the original image

    opencv.absDiff();                            // make the difference between the current image and the image in memory

    image( opencv.image(OpenCV.MEMORY), 160, 0 );  // display the image in memory on the right
    image( opencv.image(), 160, 120 );             // display the result on the bottom right

void keyPressed() {
    opencv.remember();  // store the actual image in memory
Description Calculate the absolute difference between the image in memory and the current image.
Syntax absDiff();
Return None
Usage Application